Diary of A Soulwinner

While out on evangelism to Ojo local government, I had an experience that I had never had before. As I moved from street to street, I got into a particular street where I saw 3 women seated outside their house. I got their attention, preached the gospel to them, and…
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You Can Go Alone

One of the reasons some Christians do not go out for evangelism is that they do not have a partner to go alongside them. They had read in the scripture that Jesus sent them out in twos. They had read that it was Paul and Barnabas that was sent as…
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Redefining Mission Field

There is a need for us to redefine the meaning of a mission field. We need to evaluate our understanding of what a mission field is in the light of the scripture of truth. The popular understanding of a mission field is that it is a place far away from…
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For All Age Groups

One of the beautiful things about the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it does not discriminate against people of varying age groups. The gospel is for the great and small. When I am out on evangelism, I preach the gospel to children and adults alike. I have had experiences…
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Why Do I Feel This Way!

I usually feel reluctance in my heart to embark on evangelical missions. It is never a leading from God not to embark on the missions, but an indication of demonic resistance to the preaching of the gospel. Spiritual warfare can be felt in the heart. Every time a Christian decides…
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Diary of A Soulwinner

It was a beautiful experience today preaching the gospel at the Badagry community. Amidst the discouragement to postpone the mission to a later date, I went out knowing that today was the best time to bring in the harvest. I had the opportunity to interact with a lot of people…
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Diary of A Soulwinner

I am presently en route to my next evangelical mission location in Badagry, Lagos State. It is a great distance from my residence. The many buses I have to commute to the mission field and the many traffic jams I would encounter are bearing on my heart. At several points…
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Look For The Crowd

Some wonder how I am able to get a large number of souls saved during a personal evangelism outing. One of my strategies for getting large soul-winning numbers is to look out for gatherings of people. So, as I go about preaching the gospel on a one-on-one basis, I also…
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The Blood of Sprinkling

Often, you would hear some Christians say in prayer, “I sprinkle/plead the blood of Jesus over . . .” If you have traveled in commercial buses while commuting between two states or countries, you may have likely heard such statements made by a preacher who wants to spiritually secure the…
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