God Is Good – A POEM

God is good all the time.I choose to ignore the lies I have been told about him. I am his valued creation.He never does me evil; he covers me constantly with his goodness. They tried to make me to be afraid of my God. They did evil and said it…
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Faith for Healing

When we read the gospels’ account of the public ministry of Jesus Christ, we will discover that most of the healing people experienced through his ministry were credited to their faith. We know that God’s power heals; but why did Jesus not credit the healings to the power of God?…
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Simplicity and Ease of Healing

All that Jesus needed to do to heal the sick or perform a miracle was to touch the sick, speak a word, or give an instruction. There were no complications to the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. What we saw was simplicity and ease of ministration. Matthew 8 (KJV)¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¹⁴ And…
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The Blood of Sprinkling

Often, you would hear some Christians say in prayer, “I sprinkle/plead the blood of Jesus over . . .” If you have traveled in commercial buses while commuting between two states or countries, you may have likely heard such statements made by a preacher who wants to spiritually secure the…
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39 Strokes For 39 Streams of Healing. How True Is It?

The interpretation that the 39 strokes Jesus received and his internal bleeding were for the healing of our physical sicknesses is a convenient interpretation that is not doctrinally and contextually accurate. We cannot also prophetically imply the stripes for bodily healing because Isaiah’s prophecy and Peter’s quotation of the prophecy…
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Healing Without A Fee

I came across the testimony of one of my friends who was healed of Migraine headache through the ministry of Apostle Destiny Kingston. I asked to be connected to the man of God so I could receive healing for abdominal pains and severe headaches that I have been suffering for…
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Why Look For The Living Among The Dead?

While the majority of people in Israel had accepted the reality of the death of Jesus Christ and were fast adjusting their everyday experiences to match his absence, a minority were still sorrowed at heart due to his demise. As the day began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and other women…
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Wrong Intention

There are Christians who sin with the intention that they would ask for forgiveness from God afterward. There are consequences of sin that are not within the experience of forgiveness of sin. You can choose to ask God for forgiveness of sin, but that will not erase the dishonor and…
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Do Not Kill God’s Prophet

Reading the book Jeremiah today, I am surprised at the audacity of the priests and the prophets in wanting to kill Jeremiah because he prophesied in the name of the Lord. Jeremiah claimed to have prophesied in the name of the Lord and yet there was no restraint in them…
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Passion For Evangelism

Do you have a passion for evangelism and you desire to be trained to achieve outstanding results in it? Introducing, ChurchGrowth360 University. ChurchGrowth360 University is a mobile learning platform where Christians who are passionate about the work of ministry can receive biblical training for effectiveness in the work of ministry.…
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