Are You A True Worshipper Part 1

When we study the life of Christ, we see that, in many ways and on many occasions, he directed man’s focus away from external worship of God to an internal worship of God. Christ came to put the focus on man and not on religious observance and man’s organized system…
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They Have Taken Away My Lord

Mary’s heart was heavy with grief, and her eyes could not hold back the tears that flowed down her face freely; neither could she stop the fountain of her nostrils from flowing as she searched for the body of her master, Jesus Christ. With each failed attempt to find the…
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New Creatures

A prominent reality of those who have believed the gospel is that they have become NEW CREATURES. “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”— 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) To understand the term, “New Creature”,…
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Religious Intolerance

As I increase in the knowledge of Christ, I become more tolerant of people’s diversity and preferences as long as it does not cross the line of loving one another. The next important thing after believing that Jesus died for your sins is loving one another. Religion does not recognize…
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The Blood of Sprinkling

Often, you would hear some Christians say in prayer, “I sprinkle/plead the blood of Jesus over . . .” If you have traveled in commercial buses while commuting between two states or countries, you may have likely heard such statements made by a preacher who wants to spiritually secure the…
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