Ditch The Feeling of Shame

The reason some Christians do not preach the gospel is because they are ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

They feel a sense of shame when it has to do with the preaching of the gospel.

Such kind of feeling ought not to be found in a Christian seeing that the gospel is honorable. It is the gospel of Jesus that made men kings and priests unto God.

To be ashamed of this same gospel that dignifies man is proof that satan has succeeded in deceiving you into believing that the preaching of the gospel is something to be ashamed of.

To overcome this feeling of shame, you must first be conscious that evangelism is an honorable profession. In all honesty, it is the most honorable profession on earth.

Secondly, pray to God for a release of boldness into your mind.

Thirdly, go out and preach the gospel. You will never know how bold you are to preach the gospel until you open your mouth to preach the gospel.

The harvest is plenty, and laborers will no longer be few.

Apostle Destiny Kingston


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