For All Religions

There are times when I am out on evangelism, and I stop someone so I can preach the gospel to them; I get the response, “I am a Muslim.”

With such a response, the person intends to let me know that whatever I had to say was not for them.

I always respond by telling them that the gospel is for them whether they are born into a Christian home or a Muslim home.

Jesus died for humanity. The atonement he brought was not for a class of people. The whole world was reconciled to God through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

About 98% of the time I preached the gospel to Muslims, they ended up affirming to me that they believed the things I shared with them concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On one occasion, a Muslim told me that although he did not understand how Jesus Christ died for his sins and was resurrected on the third day, he believed because I told him it happened.

That was all he needed to do – believe.

The gospel will never make sense to a sinner until he believes the gospel.

We must not hold back from preaching the gospel to Muslims. They need the gospel as much as those born into Christian homes need the gospel.

The harvest is great, and laborers will no longer be few.

Apostle Destiny Kingston
ChurchGrowth360 Missions


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